Current Travel Information & Advisories for Creston BC

Know Before you go
Planning a visit to Creston BC? Ensure a smooth trip by planning ahead with important and up-to-date travel information for the area available on this resource page. Find the latest updates for nearby Canada-US border crossings, highway & road conditions, forest fire alerts, flood advisories, local emergency information, and much more. Stay informed and equipped with the necessary information and resources you need to enjoy your trip to Creston!
Temporary Service Disruption on Kootenay Lake Ferry
Due to ongoing job action, the Kootenay Lake Ferry is currently out of service for regular travelers between Balfour and Kootenay Bay. Limited Essential Service sailings are available from Balfour at 6:30AM, 8:10AM, and 4:30PM, and from Kootenay Bay at 7:10AM, 9:00AM, and 5:20PM. Only Essential Service travelers are permitted onboard at this time. For the latest updates and more information, please visit Drive BC.
Canada-USA Border Crossing HOURS
The Rykerts-Porthill Border Crossing connects the town of Bonners Ferry, Idaho with Creston, British Columbia on the Canada–US border. Please note that currently the Rykerts (Canadian) and Porthill (US) Ports of Entry have different hours of operation, with the Canadian side open later throughout the year, which will require consideration when planning to return to the US.
Please find the current hours of operation, phone number and further contact information below:
Rykerts (Canadian) Port of Entry
7:00am – 11:00pm (2nd Sunday in March to first Sunday in November)
8:00am – 12:00am, midnight (first Saturday in November to 2nd Saturday in March)
Porthill (U.S.A) Port of Entry
7:00am – 7:00pm, seven days a week
However, note that the hours of operation at the nearby Kingsgate (Canadian) & Eastport (US) Ports of Entry, located south of Yahk, BC are still the same and operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which may make for a more convenient border crossing option for US visitors to the area.
For additional information regarding border crossing hours of operation, phone number and further contact information please visit our Border Information page.
Regional & Provincial Travel Information
Further current news and information on travel to the Creston Area as well as the Kootenay Region and British Columbia can be found at Destination BC's Visitor Website, linked here.
Wildfire Information
Wildfires can occur in the Creston Valley area during sustained periods of hot, dry weather. At present there are no wildfires of note or road closures affecting the Creston Valley area.
Conditions can also change rapidly, so we encourage you to check the latest information before and during your trip by:
Visiting Hello BC’s Know Before You Go page for information on traveling in the province of BC;
Visiting Kootenay Rockies Tourism's Know Before You Go page for information on the traveling in the Kootenay region;
Visiting the Regional District of Central Kootenay's Emergency Information page or Town of Creston's website for emergency information and updates affecting the Creston Valley area;
Contacting our local Visitor Centre for up to date information.
We also encourage visitors in the region or those planning a trip to check Drive BC for information on highway & road closures, the BC Wildfire Service for an interactive map, and Emergency Info BC for alerts. During your travels, make sure you follow the necessary protocols to prevent and report wildfires.
Air Quality Health Index for real-time updates from across BC.
Report a wildfire by dialing *5555 on a cellphone or calling toll-free: 1-800-663-5555

Can we help?
Have any questions about travelling to the area ? Contact the Creston Valley Visitor Centre and staff will be happy assist you!